Along with Dan Savage (founder, It Gets Better), and Wayne Besen and Evan Hurst of Truth Wins Out, I’m proud to this morning announce the launch of The Not All Like That (NALT) Christians Project. Inspired by and modeled upon It Gets Better, The NALT Christians Project is a platform from which LGBT-affirming Christians can proclaim to the world their belief and conviction that there is nothing anti-biblical or at all inherently sinful about being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.… [Read more…] about Introducing The Not All Like That (NALT) Christians Project
When Bad Christians Happen to Good People
For years before I (suddenly and out of nowhere) became a Christian, my wife Catherine and I used to study and practice Zen. One morning we were walking toward our car after a night spent sitting zazen at a Zen center with a dozen or so other would-be Buddhas. (Zazen is Zen meditation: you sit; you close your eyes; you try to disconnect from your thoughts; you try like crazy not to sneeze, cough or itch; you endeavor not to panic about the fact that after about a half-hour your whole lower body is so asleep you wouldn’t flinch if your thigh suddenly got harpooned.)
As we were approaching our car, we saw that a guy who had just pinned a flyer to our dashboard was now doing the same to the car parked behind ours. He gave us a friendly wave. “I hope you don’t mind me leaving one of these on your car,” he said cheerily.
I unlocked the passenger side door so that Cat could get in. “No problem,” I said. But what he apparently somehow heard me say instead was, “Please come over and talk to us.”
“It’s for a nearby church,” he said, coming over to talk to us. He was maybe thirty, fit, and clean-shaven, sporting an orange baseball cap, a winning smile, and a slight gleam in his eye that was somewhere between a little too friendly and crazy. “It’s called Calvary Chapel. Ever heard of it?”
“I haven’t,” I said. I closed Cat inside the car. Tucked under my arm was my zafu, the round pillow Zenners use to sit upon whilst trying to merge with The Great… [Read more…] about When Bad Christians Happen to Good People
Small Comfort
A very good and sweet friend sent me the 33-minute video below, and asked my opinion of it. In its first five minutes, a man named Ray Comfort says that he’s a Jew, and starts interviewing people about Hitler and the Holocaust. My friend knows that I am an (actual) Jewish writer with a strong interest in history, politics and education. So, hopefully that explains why it took me each of the steps you see below, and a good ten minutes, to realize the awful point and comparison Comfort tries to make with this film.
I’d love to hear how others’ reactions to this film compare to mine. If you don’t have time to watch it, consider these your crib notes. I now present to you an extremely abridged version of how Ray Comfort proceeds to elicit (read: manipulate) the responses he wants from his person-on-the-street interviews. My reaction to each step along the way is in parentheses.
Step 1
Ray Comfort: Ever heard of Hitler/the Holocaust?
Person on the street: Nope.
(Me: horrified this stuff is not apparently being taught in schools and/or remembered.)
Step 2
Ray Comfort: Ever heard of Hitler/the Holocaust?
Person on the street: Yeah, he was the the leader of Germany who started WWII and killed a bunch of Jews, right?
(Me: Oh, for the love of all that is holy, tell me there is, after all, a glimmer of hope for our educational system.)
Step 3
Ray… [Read more…] about Small Comfort
Making sense of … well, God destroying the world
Let’s briefly take a look at one of the knottiest textual problems in the New Testament: 2 Peter 3:10.
For the purposes of this discussion, we’ll set aside issues of canonicity (hotly-contested) and authorship (not Peter) and simply focus on the text of this single verse.
The NIV renders 3:10 as:
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.
For this same text the NASB reads:
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.
As you can see, the final verb differs in each translation. Why? Because the NIV’s “laid bare” is a translation of the Greek εὑρεθήσεται, which literally means “will be found,” while the NASB is translating κατακαήσεται, which literally means “will be burned up.” This isn’t a subtle difference: it’s a matter of two completely different words with completely different meanings. So where do those words come from?
Many of our earliest and best Greek manuscripts, including Codex Sinaiticus (א, 4th c.), Codex Vaticanus (B, 4th c.), Codex Mosquensis (Kap, 9th c.) and Codex Porphyrianus (Papr, 9thc.) read “εὑρεθήσεται” — “will be found.”
But another manuscript tradition, which includes Codex Alexandrinus (A 5th c.), 048 (5th c.), 049… [Read more…] about Making sense of … well, God destroying the world
“I lived 30 years alone”: A Christian lesbian grandmother tells her story
Here is a letter I got in response to the call I put out on my blog awhile back asking for the personal testimony of gay Christians:
I am a 72-year-old Christian mother and grandmother. I had a wonderful career as a teacher for every age, from pre-school through college. I served as a member of our church council, as a Sunday school teacher, as a Vacation Bible School superintendent, and I have been on mission trips to every continent. My hobbies are studying, reading, travel, genealogy, gardening, and dogs.… [Read more…] about “I lived 30 years alone”: A Christian lesbian grandmother tells her story
To Pro-Lifers Who Believe Adoption is Always the Answer
A couple of posts back, Unfundamentalist Christian Aliza Worthington (who is so unfundamentally Christian that she is, in fact, Jewish), recently published here An Open Letter to Pro-Lifers, in which she shared the basis for her conviction that if she became pregnant the choices facing her should be hers and hers alone. The core of her argument was this:… [Read more…] about To Pro-Lifers Who Believe Adoption is Always the Answer
What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear
By way of researching my book I’m OK – You’re Not: The Message We’re Sending Nonbelievers and Why We Should Stop, I posted a notice on Craigslist sites all over the country asking non-Christians to send me any short, personal statement they would like Christians to read.… [Read more…] about What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear
The Spirit vs. the Letter: Biblicalism and Conscience
Imagine a contentious public issue, rending not only America, but American Christendom, in two. In this battle are two sides: one which maintains and asserts a literal, straightforward reading of the Bible to maintain its position, the other which argues that its side is supported by the spirit, even if sometimes not the letter, of the Bible.
If what comes to mind is America’s continuing culture wars over gender and sexuality, and how the law and the church should approach them, my guess is you’re not alone. According to public polling, the issue of acceptance for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals is trending toward inclusion, and many mainline Protestant denominations are reflecting this movement.… [Read more…] about The Spirit vs. the Letter: Biblicalism and Conscience
An Open Letter to Pro-Lifers
I could tell you I was raped. (I wasn’t.) I could tell you I am a victim of incest. (I’m not.) I could tell you my life would be in danger if I got pregnant. (Partly true, but for this discussion, let’s say not.) I could tell you I’m mentally challenged or ill. (I don’t think so, but let’s please not open that up to debate… .) These are some of the scenarios even the most ardent advocates in the Pro-Life movement might allow themselves and those they love flexibility where safe and legal abortion is concerned. Might.… [Read more…] about An Open Letter to Pro-Lifers
The Ultimate Hat-Trick of God in Four Sentences
The idea that God is the ultimate hat-trick—that he is, at once, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is something that has always confused and challenged … well, anyone with a normal, binary-style brain.
But we have only to look at the opening of the New Testament’s Book of John to learn all that we could want to know about the triune nature of God:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
And there it is. That’s … the whole three-portion enchilada, right there.
I believe that what John is expressing there is that God exists in three ever-present simultaneous modes: Absolute and unchanging, exuberantly creative, and within the heart and soul of every person. He uses the word God to refer to the absolute and unchanging aspect of God’s reality, Word to refer to the exuberantly creative aspect of God’s existence (by which, as we shall see, he means Jesus), and light of men to refer to God as the Holy Spirit.
Badda-bing, badda-triune nature of God.
Let’s break down John’s words to look at them more closely:
In the beginning
That’s the Big God, God the Father/Mother/Everything, eternal and unchanging—the same one, if you’ll note, that with the exact same words opens the Bible: In the beginning, God created the heavens and… [Read more…] about The Ultimate Hat-Trick of God in Four Sentences