I have a love/hate relationship with the Bible. I mean, I really love the book. I do. I find it fascinating. But at the same time, I have a long and painful history of wrestling—and mostly losing—with and against many of the biblical texts. Sure, most of the troubling passages are in the Old Testament, but mentioning that fact never really helps if I’m supposed to believe in an eternal God who is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Plus, in the pre-millennial, dispensationalist way I was taught to “clearly” read Revelation, that Janus-faced monster God who demands blood in order to forgive sins was coming back with a vengeance. Jesus may have kept dear old dad medicated for a while, but due to rising healthcare costs his lithium isn’t covered any longer, and he is coming back pissed. The only silver lining I had when I bought into this theology was that we just happened to live in the in-between, so perhaps God still kind of resembled first-century Jesus. Perhaps.
If you’ve read my book or my articles, you know that I no longer buy this lie about our Abba. Instead it’s my view that “God is like Jesus” and “theology begins at the cross.” In my forthcoming book, From the Blood of Abel, I’ll give an overview of how I came to believe in a God such as this, but for now, just know that I got there … somehow.
In reality, the most difficult part of “getting there” was the Bible. That is, until I heard some guy… [Read more…] about How to Cherry-Pick the Bible