Along with Dan Savage (founder, It Gets Better), and Wayne Besen and Evan Hurst of Truth Wins Out, I’m proud to this morning announce the launch of The Not All Like That (NALT) Christians Project. Inspired by and modeled upon It Gets Better, The NALT Christians Project is a platform from which LGBT-affirming Christians can proclaim to the world their belief and conviction that there is nothing anti-biblical or at all inherently sinful about being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.… [Read more…] about Introducing The Not All Like That (NALT) Christians Project
“I lived 30 years alone”: A Christian lesbian grandmother tells her story
Here is a letter I got in response to the call I put out on my blog awhile back asking for the personal testimony of gay Christians:
I am a 72-year-old Christian mother and grandmother. I had a wonderful career as a teacher for every age, from pre-school through college. I served as a member of our church council, as a Sunday school teacher, as a Vacation Bible School superintendent, and I have been on mission trips to every continent. My hobbies are studying, reading, travel, genealogy, gardening, and dogs.… [Read more…] about “I lived 30 years alone”: A Christian lesbian grandmother tells her story
An open letter to Exodus International's super-remorseful Alan Chambers
Dear Mr. Chambers:
I am writing in regard to your apology yesterday for all the devastating things that your “ex-gay” organization, Exodus International, has done to LGBTQ people and their families over the past thirty-seven years. It’s so heartening when a person apologizes for how wrong they’ve been.… [Read more…] about An open letter to Exodus International's super-remorseful Alan Chambers